This posted to by Bruce Nordman, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Response to Q1-- The meter should make current consumption available to the building and to the utility/grid. It should not be burdened with providing historic consumption data. Price data should be provided multiple ways, including through the meter. Demand response should be phased out in favor of price signals. The key is to make dynamic prices more attractive than fixed prices so that the great majority of customers quickly adopt them. Aside from price and consumption, the meter should not play a role in the electricity system.
Response to Q2 -- The utility/grid need not rely on other sources for data about current total consumption. Price data should be broadcast over multiple media.
Response to Q3 -- Develop a network architecture for buildings that enables functionality that we don't have today; use this network to save energy as a side benefit. Use the Internet as a model, with smart end notes and a dumb network. Most useful energy services will be provided by intelligent devices on the building network that can interoperate with other intelligent devices (and people) through globally standard protocols. Price data should be available through multiple streams.
Bruce Nordman
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