Friday, March 5, 2010

John Teeter: The Consumer Is the Owner of Data

This posted to by John Teeter, People Power Co.

We strongly feel that the consumer is the one that owns and controls the information related to their energy footprint, be that simple consumption or, in the future, production. It is this particular point that we feel will drive the innovations needed for our national energy integrity. While the current thrust within the Smart Grid effort is to acknowledge this "ownership" of the information, it is accompanied by an equally strong effort to insure that the consumer is provided incentives to transfer the control of the information to the institutionalized utility industry. We feel that this divests the consumer from the basic motivations that will encourage them to engage innovative energy solutions.

In our opinion, No - if the data routing is from the (residential) point of consumption, through the smart meter, to the utility, to a third party and finally, back to the consumer, we will not see the most engaging, useful and innovative environment for the consumer to engage their energy ecosystem. Point of consumption metering with real-time monitoring and control will not be achieved through this approach. We do not foresee all consumers becoming energy managers. We do foresee set-and-forget as the primary usage pattern, but this does not imply that the consumer interactions and motivators be removed. We can foresee a future where social behaviors, community competitions, and national initiatives encourage and enable the residential consumer to engage more naturally in their energy environment. Flexibility in the way information flows is central to that innovative future.

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